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Monthly Art Expression





Monthly Sessions

14 Up

About the Course

Cast aside your responsibilities and busy schedules for 2hrs once a month and join Krystal for Art Expression.  Each session will provide an opportunity for your inner dreamer and tender heart to be brought to life in a safe and open minded atmosphere.  After learning some fun and dramatic techniques including splattering, pen and ink, masking, salting, bubbles, charcoals, cling wrapping and more, you will be given a new prompt to inspire your art expression. Krystal uses mostly uses watercolour and lessons will mostly feature this medium.

 Materials will be provided but if you have any of your own please feel free to bring them along.


Please register for the class online at least 24 hrs before the start time.

Your Instructor

Krystal Richardson

Krystal Richardson

To be Entered

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